The non-material motivation of employees: types and examples that work

social motivation

Motivating and engaging employees is essential to the success of any workplace. However, many employers focus solely on material incentives such as bonuses or salary increases to motivate their employees yet overlook non-material forms of motivation – those that don’t involve money. In this blog post, we will discuss the types of non-material motivation available, provide some practical examples you can use, and help you discover why they are so important for a successful workforce.

Types of non-material motivation of personnel

Psychological motivation

Non-material motivation is when people need communication. The team must have a balance, which means that we need to pick people for the team who have similar personalities and interests. The leader’s image and personality are very important. The team must also trust and be loyal to the leader.

Social motivation

You can make employees feel better about themselves by taking their opinions into account, letting them make decisions, and giving them responsibility. It is called social motivation. When you use this type of motivation, it is important to give employees tasks to do, motivate them to be leaders, and help them plan their careers.

Moral motivation

Some companies have a board where they celebrate the best employees every month. It is an example of social motivation. Everyone wants to be recognized and respected by their colleagues. Moral motivation can also be verbal, such as public praise.

Organizational staff motivation

This type of motivation includes making it easier to do work duties. Often this is done by organizing a recreation area, making the workplace more convenient, or even providing food. In addition, some enterprises create a special department or cooperate with a different company to satisfy employees’ everyday needs so that they can focus and be more productive.

Best non-material motivation examples

Flexible work hours

Employees can come and leave whenever they want, as long as the task is completed on time. It helps them balance their lives by avoiding rush hour traffic or taking care of family matters during working hours.

Professional development courses

Training courses can help employees develop new skills, leading to better performance and motivation.

Creating positive relationships

Organizing team-building activities, celebrations, or special rewards can create a sense of camaraderie and collaboration among the employees.

Encouraging feedback

Listening to your employees’ opinions and taking them into account can make them feel more valued and appreciated.

Career prospects

Offering employees career prospects, such as promotions and job opportunities, will motivate them to do better in their current roles.

Comfortable workplace

Of course, this requires financial investments, but no one talks about mandatory repairs. Often, a small recreation area with comfortable chairs, a coffee machine, and, for example, air hockey is enough for employees. It all depends on the needs of a particular team.


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